Opel Corsa-e – owner review and impressions

In July 2024 I got myself Opel Corsa-e (09/23, Elegance). I bought is used – less than one year old, driven 1769 km from Mobile.de and it is my first electric vehicle. It cost about 24k eur with transportation to Estonia and all the fees included (lease interest included).

Mine has 7.4 kW on-board charger (type 2 cable), 100 kW fast charging via CCS.

Things that I do like

It does not look like EV. It is not a bad car to be honest. When I bought it I thought it may be popular car in the near future, something like Hyundai Getz – compact, affordable.

Things I do not like

Most of the bad experience is related to infotainment and disappointing MyOpel app.

MyOpel app must me the worst EV app

MyOpel app must really be the worst EV app out there. If you consider buying Opel or Peugeot EV then what you get is this garbage app. It has so many basic errors that it drives me crazy. From the reviews I can see that it has not seen any updates for ages. For example:

  • It is not able to correctly sync even the odometer. How difficult can this be?!
  • Driving stats only counts drives that it has managed to register. If it fails registering a ride (happens often) then monthly totals shown is incorrect (and not in sync with odometer).
  • Has only option to delay start charging. No option to schedule, not even to stop at a specific time (if you would like to use cheaper hours for charging).
  • The app does not do anything useful. Does not show electricity consumption, any useful stats etc.
  • Often not even able to sync with the car (for example to check battery while I am in the office and the car is charging).
  • OpelConnect: e-Remote Control Service does absolutely nothing. Just does not connect to car and not able to activate anything.

Android Auto is not usable (very bad)

I don’t know how much Opel/Peugeot guys thought about it but I tried to use Android Auto and there are several problems with it. You can see from this video what a crap it is.

  • My mobile phone screen is better than car display for Waze.
  • Connection is not stable. At some point it started switching back and forth from mobile audio to FM radio. Never had this issue using bluetooth.
  • If I connect Android Auto via USB cable there is no place for the phone. Like, where should I put the phone?!

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